Spellwork: Day of the week correspondences

MondayThis is the day best suited for dream magic, healing and spells or magic involving memory, purity and virginity.



This day is best suited for initiation rites, spells of protection or to gain wealth, or magic involving enemies, prison and war.


This is the day best suited for spells of communication, business and travel, or to rid oneself of debt, fear or bad habits.


This day is best suited to rituals of marriage or spells to improve marriage, honor and oaths, harvests, riches and treaties.


This is the day best suited for spells and rituals of beauty, love, sexuality, harmony, family life, friendship, pleasure, fertility and growth.


This day is best suited for magic involving freedom, life, protection, gifts, building and real estate.


This is the day best suited for spells and magic involving creativity, fortune, self-expression, hope, beauty, victory and money.



Published in: on February 13, 2009 at 11:31 am  Leave a Comment  
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on a new path, or finding the one I am already on?

Today I was outside putting up some autumn decorations. It was absolutely beautiful–just about 80 degrees, sunny and everything was golden. My asters have bloomed and they were simply buzzing with happy bees, enjoying the early-fall treat of fresh pollen.
I sat out on the step, enjoying the unseasonable gift.
As is usual for lately, I started thinking about this path I am on–but instead of thinking about where I am going, I meditated on where I have been.
When I was little, I think I saw spirits. I am not sure, but I know that I had a group of imaginary friends. Gogo, my primary imaginary friend, was the one I played with the most, but there were also a few others, who weren’t there all the time, and who were set up in a classroom in my mind somewhere.
I used to astral travel from the time I was young as well. I well remember many nights, laying in my bed, trying to fly out my window–and going. I firmly believed in Peter Pan, and was sure that if I flew often enough, I would find him. As I got older, my friend and I used to astral travel together. She had some big boxes in her basement, and we would sit in them, close our eyes, and start to fly. I remember the feeling of going…I would close my eyes tight and we would decide where we were going–flying in the air, over the mountains..whatever. After a few minutes, my head would start to ‘buzz’ and there I’d be–flying in my box with my friend next to me in her box. We’d decided when we were done and land safely back in her basement. There is no way I can attribute it to imagination.
I remember it too well.
Around the same age, maybe 8 or 9, I realized that I was great friends with Jesus. I know it sounds kind of weird but I just knew we were friends. I couldn’t pray, but I could talk and have reciprocal conversations.
As a teenager, I had a series of very scary dreams. I had started playing around with witchcraft and things started happening around the house. I think now it was some minor poltergeist activity, stemming probably from the instablility in my relationship with my mother (long story, another blog).
Anyway, I cast my first spell. It involved a candle and an incantation, trying to bind my then-boyfriend to me, since I knew he was cheating on my with my friend. (15 is a tough age, lol).
The candle flared, the flame shot up about 3 inches and then went out.
My boyfriend broke up with me and he and my firend were quite a pair after that.
One day soon after, all the posters in my room fell off the walls simultaneously.
I walked out of my room, and the door slammed.
I had a series of scary nightmares consisting of deep male voices saying words in languages I didn’t know.
My father was dating a woman who identified herself as a witch, and somehow she helped it get better; I think she just brought positive vibes.
About two years later, I attempted to use tarot cards. I laid them out and tried to look at them. The light above my head suddenly started swinging like a pendulum.
I put the cards away.
Soon after, I had a dream where a woman told me I was going to die the next time I fell asleep.
I stayed awake for about 36 hours but still fell asleep.
In the dream, the woman came back and asked if I was ready to die. I felt myself falling and going forward at the same time.
I jerked awake, and on the wall in front of me was an image of a tunnel, lit up with some type of glow. It went away when I blinked.
I stopped trying to be psychic. I stopped trying to do anything that could cause the scary things to return.
It wasn’t until much later that I realized that things are what you make them. I had to really grow up before I could accept that there things in the world I don’t understand or know about, but they are not going to bother me if I don’t let them.
My grandmother was psychic. She knew I was pregnant before I missed my period. She always knew where my father was when he was growing up and she always knew everything I wanted to talk to her about before I opened my mouth. She came to my father as a bird the day she died, and led him and his wife out of the woods where they were lost. (another blog for later).
I think I inherited it. But I spent so much time denying it, I am scared I won’t bring it to fruition.
I started with my daughter early. She has flashes and she knows it, but she is like me at that age, and is denying it.
I don’t think the men in my family have it at all.
My sister glimmers but is too scared to pursue it. Her experiences with the ouija board proved it and that was all she needed to turn it off.
So today, as I sat in the autumn sunshine, I remembered all of this. I think this path..as new as it feels right now..is one that I started on a long time ago.
I feel like I am waking up.

Published in: on October 13, 2008 at 9:57 pm  Comments (1)  
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Divination: So you want to find love?

There are many forms of divination, as noted here.

But if you are looking for love, whether to find the identity of your as-yet hidden true love, or to discover your current love’s true feelings…well, read on!

Paper Divination for love:

Write the name of three possible lovers on a three pieces of paper. Fold each paper twice and place them under your pillow at night. Without looking, immediately remove one slip of paper but don’t read it. When you wake up in the morning, remove another piece of paper. The remaining paper carries the name of your best choice of the three.


Apple Divination for love:

Cut an apple in half and count the seeds. An even number shows that you have a high chance of marriage. An odd number shows you do not. Beware because if a seed has been cut in half, your relationship might have some rocky areas.


At dusk, light a candle in front of a mirror. Brush your hair and eat an apple while looking in the mirror. Your lover’s face will appear behind you in the mirror.


Peel an apple so that the peeling is in one whole piece. Throw this over your shoulder. The peel will form the letter of the first name of your true love’s name.


Cut an apple in half. Eat the first half before midnight and the second half just as the clock turns to midnight. You will dream of your lover that night.


Moon Divination for love:

On the night of the new moon, go outside and point a dull-bladed silver knife at the moon. Say:

       New moon, true morrow, be true now to me

       That I ere the morrow my true love may see.

Place the knife under your pillow when you go to sleep and you will dream of your lover.


Pin Divination for Love:

Drop a pin into water. If it floats, you are loved.

Magical Uses of Colors

Colors hold many meanings, some are personal to us, some meanings are more ‘mainstream’ as in the list below. How do you use colors magically? It’s all in the intent. You can burn a candle in the power color, or you can wear clothes of the color. For example, if you are wishing to attract money, you might burn a green candle, and/or carry a green crystal. Or if you are seeking to strengthen the bonds in a relationship, you might burn a pink candle, or carry a pink flower. Think out of the box. The following list of color uses is another great tidbit from the prolific Scott Cunningham.

White: protection, peace, purification, chastity, happiness, halting gossip, spirituality.

Green: healing, money, prosperity, luck, fertility, beauty, employment, youth.

Brown: healing animals, the home.

Pink: Emotional love, fidelity, friendship.

Red: Lust, strength, courage, power, sexual potency.

Yellow: Divination, psychic power, mental power, wisdom, visions.

Purple: Power, exorcism, healing.

Blue: Healing, sleep, peace.

Orange: Legal matters, success.

Published in: on August 15, 2008 at 8:53 am  Leave a Comment  
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Types of Divination

 AEROMANCY divination from the air and sky, particularly
concentrating on cloud shapes, comets, and other phenomena not
normally visible in the heavens.

ALCHEMY is the practice of
transmutation of base metals into precious metals (e.g.
gold or silver) with the aid of an esoteric substance called the “philosopher’s

ALECTRYOMANCY is divination whereby a bird is allowed to
pick corn grains from a circle of letters.
A variation is to recite letters of the alphabet noting those at which a cock crows.

ALEUROMANCY is divination using “fortune cookies”; answers to questions are rolled into balls of dough and once baked are chosen at random.

ALOMANCY is divination by table salt.

ALPHITOMANCY uses special cakes that are digestible by persons with a clear conscience but are unpleasant to others.

ANTHROPOMANCY is the long-outlawed means of divination by human sacrifice.

APANTOMANCY is divination through chance meetings with animals (e.g., a black cat), birds, and other creatures. Mexico City is said to have been founded where Aztec soothsayers saw an eagle flying from a cactus carrying a live snake.

ARITHMANCY or ARITHMOMANCY is an earlier form of NUMEROLOGY where divination is made through numbers and the number value of letters.

ASTRAGLOMANCY or ASTRAGYROMANCY is a form of divination by dice where the faces of the dice bear numbers and letters.

ASTROLOGY is divination using celestial bodies: the sun, moon, planets, and stars.

AUGURY is the general term for the art of divination and is chiefly applied to interpretations of signs and omens.

AUSTROMANCY is divination by the study of the winds.

AXIOMANCY is divination through the observation of how an ax or hatchet quivers or points when driven into post.

BELOMANCY is an ancient form of divination performed by tossing or balancing arrows.

BIBLIOMANCY involves divination by books.

BOTANOMANCY is divination from burning tree branches and leaves.

BUMPOLOGY strictly a modern term, a popular nickname for PHRENOLOGY CAPNOMANCY is the study of smoke rising from a fire.

CARTOMANCY is fortune telling using cards such as the Tarot.

CATOPTROMANCY is an early form of crystal gazing that utilizes a mirror turned to the moon to catch moonbeams.

CAUSIMOMANCY is divination from behavior of objects placed in a fire.

CEPHALOMANCY refers to divination with the skull or head of a donkey or goat.

CERAUNOSCOPY seeks to draw omens from the study of thunder and lightning.

CEROSCOPY, CEROMANCY is a form of fortune telling in which melted was is poured into cold water.

CHIROMANCY is divination from the lines on people’s hands.

CHIROGNOMY is the study of the general hand formation.

CLAIRAUDIENCE is “clear hearing” of divinatory information. Parapsychologist generally regard as a form of extrasensory perception.

CLAIRVOYANCE is “clear seeing” of divinatory information.

Parapsychologist generally regard as a form of extrasensory perception.

CLEROMANCY is divination by “casting lots”, similar to dice but with objects such as pebbles or sea shells.

CLIDOMANCY or CLEIDOMANCY is divination using a dangling key. see RADIESTHESIA.

COSCINOMANCY is divination using a hanging sieve see RADIESTHESIA.

CRITOMANCY is the study of barley cakes.

CROMNIOMANCY is divination using onion sprouts.

CRYSTALLOMANCY is divination through crystal gazing.

CYCLOMANCY is the practice of divination from a turning wheel.

DACTYLOMANCY is an early form of RADIESTHESIA using a dangling ring.

DAPHNOMANCY requires one to listen to laurel branches crackling in an open fire.

DEMONOMANCY is divination with the aid of demons.

DENDROMANCY is divination with either oak or mistletoe.

DOWSING or DIVINING RODS are methods of divination where a forked stick is used to locate water or precious minerals.

GASTROMANCY is an ancient form of ventriloquism whereby the voice is lowered to a sepulchral tone and prophetic utterances are delivered in a trance state.

GELOSCOPY is the divination from the tone of someone’s laughter.

GENETHLIALOGY is divination by the influence of the stars at birth.

GEOMANCY is the study of figures on the ground and the influence of the Earth’s “currents”.

GRAPHOLOGY is the analysis of character through handwriting.

GYROMANCY is a divination procedure where a person walks in a circle marked with letters until they become dizzy and stumble at different points, thus spelling out a prophesy.

HARUSPICATION IS fortune-telling by means of inspecting the entrails of animals, as practiced by priests in ancient Rome.

HIEROMANCY or HIERSCOPY is divination by observing object of ancient sacrifice.

HIPPOMANCY is a form of divination from the stamping and neighing of horses.

HOROSCOPY is the practice of casting of astrological horoscopes.

HYDROMANCY is divination by water including the color, ebb and flow, or ripples produced by pebbles dropped in a pool.

ICHTHYOMANCY is divination using fish.

LAMPADOMANCY is divination using lights or torches.

LECANOMANCY uses a basin of water for divination.

LIBANOMANCY is the study of incense and its smoke.

LITHOMANCY is divination using precious stones of various colors.

MARGARITOMANCY is the procedure of using bouncing pearls.

METAGNOMY is the divination using “visions” received in a trance state.

METEOROMANCY is divination from meteors.

METOPOSCOPY is the reading of character using the lines if the forehead.

MOLEOSOPHY is the study of moles and indicators of a person’s character and future indications.

MOLYBDOMANCY draws mystic inferences from the hissing of molten lead.

MYOMANCY is the study of the prophetic meaning of behavior of rats and mice.

NUMEROLOGY is the numerical interpretation of numbers, dates, and the number value of letters.

OCULOMANCY is divination from a person’s eye.

OINOMANCY is divination using wine.

OMPHALOMANCY IS counting the number of knots in the umbilical cord to predict how many more children the mother will have ONEIROMANCY is the interpretation of dreams and their prophetic nature.

ONOMANCY is the study of the meaning of names.

ONOMANTICS is the application of ONOMANCY applied to personal names, particularly in the sense of occult interpretation.

ONYCHOMANCY is the study of fingernails.

OOMANTIA and OOSCOPY is the method of divination by eggs.

OPHIOMANCY is divination from serpents.

ORNISCOPY and ORINITHOMANCY is the study of omens associated with birds, particularly birds in flight.

OVOMANCY is another type of egg divination.

PALMISTRY is the broad field of divination and interpretation of the lines and structure of the hand.

PEGOMANCY concerns itself with spring water and bubbling fountains and the omens contained therein.

PHRENOLOGY is the long practiced study of head formations.

PHYLLORHODOMANCY is a means of divination whereby one slaps a rose petal against the hand and judges the favorability of the omen by the loudness of the sound.

PHYSIOGNOMY is the study of character analysis through physical features.

PRECOGNITION in an inner knowledge or sense of future events.

PSYCHOGRAPHY is a form of mysterious writing having a divinatory nature.

PSYCHOMETRY is the faculty of gaining impressions from a physical object and its history.

PYROMANCY and PYROSCOPY are forms of divination by fire or flame, often assisted by substances thrown onto the flames.

RADIESTHESIA is the general term for divination using a device such as a divining rod or pendulum.

Other forms include “table tipping” which was practiced at the White House in the 19th century, the Ouija board, automatic writing (or superconscious writing), and scrying.

RHABDOMANCY is divination using a stick or wand. These methods were forerunners of the divining rod.

RHAPSODOMANCY is a means of divination using a book of poetry whereby the book is opened at random and a passage read.

SCIOMANCY is divination using a spirit guide, a method generally employed by channelers.

SCRYING is a general term for divination using a crystal, mirrors, bowls of water, ink, or flames to induce visions.

SIDEROMANCY is the burning of straws with a hot iron, the resulting figures having divinatory properties.

SORTILEGE is the casting of lots and the assessment of omens indicated.

SPODOMANCY is divination using cinders or soot.

STICHOMANCY is another form of throwing open a book and selecting a random passage for the purpose of divination.

STOLISOMANCY draws omens from the way people dress.

SYCOMANCY is performed by writing messages on tree leaves; the slower they dry, the more favorable the omen. A modern variation is to write on slips of paper (always including one blank) and rolling them up. They are then held in a strainer over a boiling pot; the first to unroll will be answered.

TASSEOGRAPHY is the reading of tea leaves that remain in a tea cup once the beverage has been drunk.

TEPHRAMANCY is divination by ashes obtained from the burning of tree bark.

TIROMANCY is a type of divination using cheese.

XYLOMANCY is divination from pieces of wood, either from their shape when collected or their appearance while burning.

From Pagan Magic, of course!

Published in: on August 6, 2008 at 11:42 am  Leave a Comment  
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Froud Faery Cards

Yesterday I pulled out my Froud Faery Cards for the first time in a long time. They have always been my favorite cards, and the ones that I resonate with more than any of the decks I’ve used so far.
I did a reading for a friend, and the cards were right up to their normal tricks, making total and complete sense and making my hands literally buzz when I held and shuffled them.
After that first reading, I took a break and (attempted) to ground myself. The next reading I had set up was a relationship reading, and I wanted to use one of my newer decks, The Love Tarot.
However, the Faeries wouldn’t leave me alone.
I attempted to find a good spread for what I needed with no luck, and I swear I heard them giggling from their place near by.
I gave up and used the Faery cards (as they wanted me to!) and again, another reading blasted through that flowed like water.
I am waiting to find out from the querents about the accuracy, meanings, etc….
Those cards are simply amazing. I’d forgotten their strength and the buzzy, good feeling they give me. Holding them is like trapping champagne bubbles in my hands and my mind.
So if you have read this far and you want a reading with my Froud cards, let me know. I’ll need your email address.

Published in: on July 29, 2008 at 11:08 am  Comments (1)  
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Tarot cards: New Decks!

Yesterday I received my eagerly-anticipated new decks of Tarot cards. I ordered the Housewive’s Tarot, The Well Worn Path, and the Hidden Path. I am so excited to spend time with these decks.
The Housewive’s Tarot is just kitschy and fun.
The other two tell a deep story, and I felt an instant connection with them.
Reviews and uses to be posted after I attune to them!

Published in: on July 19, 2008 at 3:42 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Tarot cards: Spread: Reading for your pet

The cards are laid out in a “V” the first card starting at the left top; 2 is across from it on the right. 3 is under one, 4 under 2, 5 under 3, 6 under 4, and card 7 is the bottom point of the “V” shape.
The positions are as follows:
Card #1: What your pet is trying to tell you
Card #2: What your pet is feeling right now; what it desires
Card #3: What you can do to help your pet
Card #4: What your pet needs most at this time
Card #5: Your pet’s general health
Card #6: Something your pet will need or feel in the near future
Card #7: Overall general outlook for your pet
I have no clue where I got this spread; I may have made it up or I got it from someone else.

Published in: on July 19, 2008 at 3:24 pm  Comments (1)  
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My early experiences with psychic readings

I experienced a heightened interest in all things psychic around 6 years ago. At first, I just read a lot and joined some online forums to learn more about things such as card reading, remote viewing, mediumship etc.
It wasn’t very long until I was doing all of the above, and more.
I am not trying to brag, but I made a little name for myself within the online communities to which I belonged, and received daily requests for readings of various sort.
The kind of reading that I really enjoyed doing was a picture reading. Basically, someone would email or post a picture of themselves or a place that had meaning for them, and I would quiet my mind and bring the reading from the image.
It was eerily accurate and a lot of fun for me to do because, as with all psychic gifts, the more you use it, the more attuned to it you become. I felt like I was growing in leaps and bounds.
Some pictures would elicit images in my head, words, phrases etc.
More often, I would experience clairsentient feelings…tastes and smells were big. I could taste the food the person who I was reading enjoyed, or I could smell a loved one’s perfume.
It was at this time I also enjoyed many visits from a recently departed family member, who would always come around with her perfume to let me know she was there.
I was never great at ‘getting’ names…I could pull a few letters but to this day, most names are slightly wrong.
Another fun part was when I was doing mediumship and the spirits would visit me. I could feel them: a hand on the shoulder, a brush of air near my head. And then I would let them tell me what they would. Sometimes this took the form of automatic writing, although that was definitely my least favorite form of communication. I much preferred (and did better with) getting the images and telling them to the querent exactly as they were given to me.

After I’d been doing those types of readings for a while, I began to have spontaneous spirit visitors and realized that sometimes the spirits themselves were initiating the readings. Once I was in the grocery store and ran into a friend I had not seen in a very long time. We were standing and talking when I noticed a presence behind her. I ‘saw’ (w/ my third eye, not my actual eyes) a woman in a waitress outfit, holding a wooden spoon, with her dark hair up. This woman looked at me expectantly. I gulped and told my friend not to freak out, but that there was a spirit with us. My friend was intrigued and when I described what I saw her eyes widened. Apparently her husband had recently lost a family member who fit this description. The message I got was to let him know she was okay.

Another time recently, at a job I had last year, I saw a man standing just behind the left shoulder of one of our environmental service people. Now she and I talked off and on, but I sure did not know how to ask her who her deceased relative was. The man behind her smiled at me and I knew I had to go on. I realized it was her father. I started asking if she believed in psychic stuff etc and she said she did. Again it was a case of “Don’t get scared but…” I described the man with the wide smile, the bow tie, the hat and the peppery hair. Then I saw in my mind how he died in a fatal car accident. I told her all of this, as well as the pain I had suddenly in my side. He had been hit on that side of the auto and killed immediately. The bow tie was his trademark and a source of amusement in the family…kind of a family joke that he always wore it. After she dried her tears she hugged me and thanked me for letting her know he was there.

The scariest part was when I had a spirit of a little girl attached to me. She kept showing me images of her and her brother. She was just right with me and I needed her to go. It took a while but she left.

I didn’t tell my husband that one but he was so uncomfortable with the whole idea of me being a medium that I stopped pursuing it, only now and again running into a spirit that makes itself known to me for specific reasons.

I also found an interest in reading cards and while tarot cards continue to be something I am struggling to learn, I did very well with oracle cards. My favorite of all time is the Brian Froud fairy oracle deck and I did so many of those readings. I had people emailing me, posting to me, asking me from other forums to come and read and host readings chats…what a time that was!

Lately, I have felt a pull to go back to some of my psychic roots. I realized that my picture-reading abilities are still present and I know that spirits still come around now and again. I”ve been working with a couple different decks of tarot cards, and learning which ones work best for me. I’ve ordered a few more decks and have great hope for a connection with some of them.

My reading abilities changed a bit as I became a nurse as well. (I’ve only been a nurse for 2 years).
I find that I can intuit a lot about a patient before I see them. I go with my gut all the time and I find that my thoughts are generally spot on. Combining this intuition with reiki seems to help my patients and helps me help them better.

So here I am now, opening up again. A reawakening of spirit, surrounding myself with the White Light of Universal Love and asking that my divine purpose be revealed.
Stay tuned!

Published in: on July 15, 2008 at 1:08 pm  Comments (4)  
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Color my world

Fluorite colors include white/clear, purple, green and blue. Associations are:

White/Clear to build energy
Purple to purify and project energy
Green to promote growth and healing
Blue to repair energy.


Color Associations

This information comes from Wicca, Pagan & Kabbalah sources.

Black to repel or protect from, as well as cast, black magic. Use in spells involving the projection of discord, loss, destruction, negative emotions and evil.

Blue to draw power & healing forces. Use in spells involving truth, understanding, success and opening the subconscious.

Gray/Silver to increase intuition, psychic abilities and to draw metaphysical forces. Use in spells that involve the breaking of stalemates, the preventing of actions, journey by water and rendering things harmless.

Green to bring love, luck, fertility, and growth…use for spells involving Love, marriage, fertility, finance, planting and gardening.

Red draws strength, courage, health/bodily defense, sexual passion and protection. Also used in spells projecting anger or hostility.

Pink to draw love, affections and peace. Use in spells that involve love, kindness, sympathy and peace.

Purple to draw mystical understanding and to increase knowledge. Use for spells involved with gaining knowledge, power or beginning things.

Yellow draws all types of success (including financial), confidence, and charm. Use for spells involving gain, confidence and persuasion.

White to draw enlightenment, truth, sincerity and forgiveness. Use in spells that involve purification and consecration.

Published in: on July 10, 2008 at 11:47 pm  Leave a Comment  