Dream: Wolves

Last night’s dream had some interesting imagery.

I was (as usual) working, trying to start IV”s on patients with difficult veins. This time, however, the whole place was outside in a field. Very weird. There was also loud music playing. I had a patient whom I managed to stick but it was tough and it was a fragile IV.

I went to the other end of this field-type place (there were maybe 10 beds with patients. I am sure I was responsible for them all)

I turned back and saw all had left except my patient. However, she had dropped her IV bag on the ground and blood had backed up into the bag. Not an emergency, blood backs up in RL too. But it also clots off IV”s. I remember sighing, realizing I’d have to start it again.

Next I am on the top of a grassy hill with the patient. She was maybe in her 60’s, nice, but sick, and slightly demanding. There was a large white wolf to my left. It was laying on the ground watching me. I remember thinking it was part coyote too.

I told my patient we would just move slowly and it would be okay. Each step I took, the wolf took a couple towards me. He got close enough I could touch him. He made a soft growl with each movement I made, and he was trying to block me. My patient was gone.

I realized I was holding a rawhide dog toy. I threw it and the wolf chased after it. I ran away.


Published in: on December 24, 2008 at 2:03 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Journal: Swan Dream

I had a lovely vignette of a dream wherein I was floating on my back in a lovely lake. I was both myself and a watcher from above. I was relaxed and peaceful in the calm water. There were reeds and cat-tails around the banks, the sun was out. There was a swan swimming along next to me as I drifted in the gentle wake. I had a sister there, although not my sister in real life. We were meditating. I remember thinking that I had to hear the sounds and concentrate on them. I saw them as symbols, floating around me. Of course the symbols are nothing I could reproduce but there they were.

I woke up wondering if they were the reiki symbols, and I was being reminded to get on back to my reiki meditation. Or perhaps the swan/sister connection means something as well. I will have to look up the meaning of swan and I’ll post in another post. The water was so calm and relaxing.

That dream was so necessary after a very very busy weekend and long hours at work. I feel regenerated a bit from it.

Blessed dreams to all!

Published in: on November 17, 2008 at 12:21 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Journal: dream

Yesterday I went to my nephew’s wedding and had a great time. It was fun to watch all the ‘young kids’ dancing and having a blast at the reception. I did not expect to have such violent/disturbing dreams….
I dreamed that I was..somewhere…downtown, at times walking and at times in my car. I looked to the horizon and saw storm clouds coming. This did not disturb me as I knew that rain was forecast. What I did not like, however, was when I looked and saw funnel clouds forming and coming towards me. I saw a huge purple/black cloud as it touched down, and all around me it grew very still. The funnel was in the distance, and had sheets of lightning incorporated into it as well. I could tell it was heading towards me.
I was trying to get home as fast as I could, but I was driving the wrong way every time I turned. It took so long and as I was close to being home, the funnel, which had been following me, lifted and the sun came out. I felt very relieved.
Until I got home.
All my front windows were blown out. My neighbor called me to say that she lost her front windows as well.
There was glass all over my living room and kitchen but I was just relieved that the kids were okay, since they’d been home alone.
Next, the sky grew dark again and sure enough, another funnel cloud was headed our way and this time, I knew it was going to land on our house.
I hustled the kids into the basement and even though in the dream it was my house, it was just a different basement. This one had furniture and was much nicer than mine. Any way, I had my kids and some other people (not a clue who….older people, and some people who I think were relatives but not sure) (and R. was at work, by the way and totally not in this dream). We all sat on the ground against the north wall of the basement and just waited.
It was really loud as the storm came and then I could see from a window that it has cleared up again.
That is the last I remember of that dream.
The next scene totally switched and I was starting a new job at the hospital on a different unit and no one would tell me what time I had to go in. That was just frustrating because they filled up all the beds in my assigned zone and then I was supposed to leave and go to the new job but no one would take report on my patients and I couldn’t just leave them. And all five of them were dying and I had to do multiple tasks, assessments, meds and all kinds of things that I couldn’t get done.
So, the tornado dream sounds to me like things are changing or happening fast. House always represents self…breaking the windows/glass I think means a change in perception, a change in how to look at things. The fact that the storm came twice means its either a big deal coming or the way I look at things will change. The rain/lightning/wind makes me think its an emotional upheaval coming, or I have some kind of issues to come to terms with. (not sure what). Protecting everyone in the basement shows my own sense of knowing the right thing to do deep down inside. huh. pretty cool.
The work dream…I don’t know. that sounds like a regular anxiety dream brought on by the fact that I am on call at this coming midnight and I hate not knowing for sure if I am going in or not until at least 2am.
Fun stuff.

Published in: on August 17, 2008 at 10:53 am  Leave a Comment  
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Journal: Dream, message

This morning I woke up with words running thru my head. The tail end of my dream involved me reading a poem out loud. What I heard was the end of that poem, but even though I was reading it, it wasn’t totally my voice.

What remains is:

To live we must be forgiving

and giving is for us to give,

and the reason for living is loving

and the reason for love is to live.

Pretty cool.

Published in: on August 6, 2008 at 8:49 am  Comments (1)  
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Of Moon water and Writing with your left hand

A recent dream involved me having to write a story and having trouble coming up with an idea. I was stuck, frustrated, and bothered by the fact that for once…I didn’t have a thing to say! In the dream, I started writing with my left hand (I am right handed) and all the sudden the story flowed. Next part of the dream I was making moon water. This time instead of lavender, I put something lemony in it (possibly citronella but I am not 100% sure). It was supposed to help me bring more love into my life.
It was an interestng dream to say the least.
And of course, it got me to thinking. The dream was telling me to try the citronella (which grows like a maniac in my little garden!). So I will and I will see what happens. I know that using the lavender water I did some creepily accurate readings and remote viewings so I am excited to do more with the water!
Next, the dream spoke of thinking out of the box. In the dream, I couldn’t write in the normal way, so I had to write in an unconventional way (with my non-dominant hand) Given that there was a lot of psychic theme, I think that its a personal message to me that the channels are opening a little more, and will continue to do so if I think out of the box. IIn a global sense, the message was to use your other hand..think about things a different way…look with a different perspective.
Next time you are stuck on an issue, idea, creation, whatever…think with your other hand. Look at the situation as a different person, in a different light, at a different angle…maybe put yourself in another person’s place as you try to find your way around the situation. Different perspectives usually offer different solutions. Also, don’t be afraid to try something new.
I learned I can write with my left hand. Who knows what you might be able to do!

Published in: on July 21, 2008 at 10:12 pm  Leave a Comment  
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