(poetry as yet untitled)Dedicated to…

We lay on the beach,
You and I.
Lord and Lady.
God and Goddess.
Man and Woman.
Sacred star beneath us
sacred circle around us.
Waves, lapping gently as
the moon shone benevolently
upon our salty skin.
Magic sang in our blood;
our bodies
met and joined
in the sacred dance
the Great Rite.
And as the waves grew and crashed
thus did our magic,
until the stars fell
upon our circle
from my eyes.
We lay sated
in the sand,
breathing as one
and welcoming the dawn
of Us.

Published in: on October 14, 2008 at 2:05 pm  Comments (1)  
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Journal: I did it

Last night, I put out my moon water to recharge, as well as my bowl of crystals and my new necklace.
I brought out the moonwater first, stood with it in my hands facing the moon, and asked Goddess for blessings on it. Next I brought out my glass bowl of crystals with my necklace and money charm in it.
I held this up to the moon as well, asking for blessings.
Then I just stood there, offering myself.
The earth didn’t move, the world didn’t change.
At least, not the world around me.
I asked for blessings, for peace on my path. I asked for love and guidance and knowledge.
Something clicked inside me, a key turned in a lock and I felt open and connected.
When I went to bed, before I fell asleep, I saw myself involved in the Great Rite on a beach, under the watchful and loving moon, with a man inside a sacred circle.
The scene changed and I saw myself again in a scene with the same man.
I vibrated, I felt a connection and a presence…of the Goddess or the man, who is to say.
The man, however, was symbolic I believe. As evidenced by the Great Rite on the beach.
All this while awake, my dreams last night were insignificant.
Today I begin my service to the Goddess. I think I have given myself to her and the God. I think the images in my head confirmed that I am part of both.
I am blessed.