Divination: So you want to find love?

There are many forms of divination, as noted here.

But if you are looking for love, whether to find the identity of your as-yet hidden true love, or to discover your current love’s true feelings…well, read on!

Paper Divination for love:

Write the name of three possible lovers on a three pieces of paper. Fold each paper twice and place them under your pillow at night. Without looking, immediately remove one slip of paper but don’t read it. When you wake up in the morning, remove another piece of paper. The remaining paper carries the name of your best choice of the three.


Apple Divination for love:

Cut an apple in half and count the seeds. An even number shows that you have a high chance of marriage. An odd number shows you do not. Beware because if a seed has been cut in half, your relationship might have some rocky areas.


At dusk, light a candle in front of a mirror. Brush your hair and eat an apple while looking in the mirror. Your lover’s face will appear behind you in the mirror.


Peel an apple so that the peeling is in one whole piece. Throw this over your shoulder. The peel will form the letter of the first name of your true love’s name.


Cut an apple in half. Eat the first half before midnight and the second half just as the clock turns to midnight. You will dream of your lover that night.


Moon Divination for love:

On the night of the new moon, go outside and point a dull-bladed silver knife at the moon. Say:

       New moon, true morrow, be true now to me

       That I ere the morrow my true love may see.

Place the knife under your pillow when you go to sleep and you will dream of your lover.


Pin Divination for Love:

Drop a pin into water. If it floats, you are loved.

Froud Faery Cards

Yesterday I pulled out my Froud Faery Cards for the first time in a long time. They have always been my favorite cards, and the ones that I resonate with more than any of the decks I’ve used so far.
I did a reading for a friend, and the cards were right up to their normal tricks, making total and complete sense and making my hands literally buzz when I held and shuffled them.
After that first reading, I took a break and (attempted) to ground myself. The next reading I had set up was a relationship reading, and I wanted to use one of my newer decks, The Love Tarot.
However, the Faeries wouldn’t leave me alone.
I attempted to find a good spread for what I needed with no luck, and I swear I heard them giggling from their place near by.
I gave up and used the Faery cards (as they wanted me to!) and again, another reading blasted through that flowed like water.
I am waiting to find out from the querents about the accuracy, meanings, etc….
Those cards are simply amazing. I’d forgotten their strength and the buzzy, good feeling they give me. Holding them is like trapping champagne bubbles in my hands and my mind.
So if you have read this far and you want a reading with my Froud cards, let me know. I’ll need your email address.

Published in: on July 29, 2008 at 11:08 am  Comments (1)  
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Tarot & Oracles: decks I own, reviews

I figured I’d start a list:

Universal Waite Tarot: I don’t resonate well with the deck. I don’t like the pictures and they don’t speak to me like the others.

The Golden Tarot: This is my second favorite deck. I love the artwork and the meanings.

The Love Tarot: This is a fun deck, and uses only court cards, with a few new ones special to the deck. I have done a few very spot-on readings with this deck. I really like the artwork.

The Well Worn Path: Brand new but resonates.
The Hidden Path: Brand new but resonates

The Housewive’s Tarot: Brand new. Kitschy and fun. I love the pictures

The Tibetian Buddhism Deck: Haven’t used this one in a long time. I used to pull cards for daily messages. Each card has a diety on it, with a description and a message. Not great for readings but good for inspiration.

Healing with the Fairies: Dorene Virtue. Its a nice deck, simplistic with pretty colors. Accurate to a point.
Healing with the Angels: Another DV deck. Love the pictures but again, simplistic. A great starter deck.
Messages from your Angels: Another DV deck. Same as above. My very first deck and a great starter deck.

Froud’s Faery Oracle: The deck I love best (so far!). Did hundreds of readings with this deck and made my name online with it ‘back in the day’. Sometimes scary and makes you really think. Love it and the illustrations are astounding. The cards have so much energy I’ve been told more than once to go ‘hug my refrigerator’ to reground after doing readings. What a buzz!

Published in: on July 19, 2008 at 3:52 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Tarot cards: New Decks!

Yesterday I received my eagerly-anticipated new decks of Tarot cards. I ordered the Housewive’s Tarot, The Well Worn Path, and the Hidden Path. I am so excited to spend time with these decks.
The Housewive’s Tarot is just kitschy and fun.
The other two tell a deep story, and I felt an instant connection with them.
Reviews and uses to be posted after I attune to them!

Published in: on July 19, 2008 at 3:42 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Tarot cards: Spread: Reading for your pet

The cards are laid out in a “V” the first card starting at the left top; 2 is across from it on the right. 3 is under one, 4 under 2, 5 under 3, 6 under 4, and card 7 is the bottom point of the “V” shape.
The positions are as follows:
Card #1: What your pet is trying to tell you
Card #2: What your pet is feeling right now; what it desires
Card #3: What you can do to help your pet
Card #4: What your pet needs most at this time
Card #5: Your pet’s general health
Card #6: Something your pet will need or feel in the near future
Card #7: Overall general outlook for your pet
I have no clue where I got this spread; I may have made it up or I got it from someone else.

Published in: on July 19, 2008 at 3:24 pm  Comments (1)  
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My early experiences with psychic readings

I experienced a heightened interest in all things psychic around 6 years ago. At first, I just read a lot and joined some online forums to learn more about things such as card reading, remote viewing, mediumship etc.
It wasn’t very long until I was doing all of the above, and more.
I am not trying to brag, but I made a little name for myself within the online communities to which I belonged, and received daily requests for readings of various sort.
The kind of reading that I really enjoyed doing was a picture reading. Basically, someone would email or post a picture of themselves or a place that had meaning for them, and I would quiet my mind and bring the reading from the image.
It was eerily accurate and a lot of fun for me to do because, as with all psychic gifts, the more you use it, the more attuned to it you become. I felt like I was growing in leaps and bounds.
Some pictures would elicit images in my head, words, phrases etc.
More often, I would experience clairsentient feelings…tastes and smells were big. I could taste the food the person who I was reading enjoyed, or I could smell a loved one’s perfume.
It was at this time I also enjoyed many visits from a recently departed family member, who would always come around with her perfume to let me know she was there.
I was never great at ‘getting’ names…I could pull a few letters but to this day, most names are slightly wrong.
Another fun part was when I was doing mediumship and the spirits would visit me. I could feel them: a hand on the shoulder, a brush of air near my head. And then I would let them tell me what they would. Sometimes this took the form of automatic writing, although that was definitely my least favorite form of communication. I much preferred (and did better with) getting the images and telling them to the querent exactly as they were given to me.

After I’d been doing those types of readings for a while, I began to have spontaneous spirit visitors and realized that sometimes the spirits themselves were initiating the readings. Once I was in the grocery store and ran into a friend I had not seen in a very long time. We were standing and talking when I noticed a presence behind her. I ‘saw’ (w/ my third eye, not my actual eyes) a woman in a waitress outfit, holding a wooden spoon, with her dark hair up. This woman looked at me expectantly. I gulped and told my friend not to freak out, but that there was a spirit with us. My friend was intrigued and when I described what I saw her eyes widened. Apparently her husband had recently lost a family member who fit this description. The message I got was to let him know she was okay.

Another time recently, at a job I had last year, I saw a man standing just behind the left shoulder of one of our environmental service people. Now she and I talked off and on, but I sure did not know how to ask her who her deceased relative was. The man behind her smiled at me and I knew I had to go on. I realized it was her father. I started asking if she believed in psychic stuff etc and she said she did. Again it was a case of “Don’t get scared but…” I described the man with the wide smile, the bow tie, the hat and the peppery hair. Then I saw in my mind how he died in a fatal car accident. I told her all of this, as well as the pain I had suddenly in my side. He had been hit on that side of the auto and killed immediately. The bow tie was his trademark and a source of amusement in the family…kind of a family joke that he always wore it. After she dried her tears she hugged me and thanked me for letting her know he was there.

The scariest part was when I had a spirit of a little girl attached to me. She kept showing me images of her and her brother. She was just right with me and I needed her to go. It took a while but she left.

I didn’t tell my husband that one but he was so uncomfortable with the whole idea of me being a medium that I stopped pursuing it, only now and again running into a spirit that makes itself known to me for specific reasons.

I also found an interest in reading cards and while tarot cards continue to be something I am struggling to learn, I did very well with oracle cards. My favorite of all time is the Brian Froud fairy oracle deck and I did so many of those readings. I had people emailing me, posting to me, asking me from other forums to come and read and host readings chats…what a time that was!

Lately, I have felt a pull to go back to some of my psychic roots. I realized that my picture-reading abilities are still present and I know that spirits still come around now and again. I”ve been working with a couple different decks of tarot cards, and learning which ones work best for me. I’ve ordered a few more decks and have great hope for a connection with some of them.

My reading abilities changed a bit as I became a nurse as well. (I’ve only been a nurse for 2 years).
I find that I can intuit a lot about a patient before I see them. I go with my gut all the time and I find that my thoughts are generally spot on. Combining this intuition with reiki seems to help my patients and helps me help them better.

So here I am now, opening up again. A reawakening of spirit, surrounding myself with the White Light of Universal Love and asking that my divine purpose be revealed.
Stay tuned!

Published in: on July 15, 2008 at 1:08 pm  Comments (4)  
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dreaming in tarot cards

I had quite an interesting dream the other night, and after some reflection, I found the meaning in it.
I dreamed that my son, my husband, and my husband’s friend were all in a band. They all wore black. My son was playing drums, my husband was playing bass and my husband’s friend (T) was singing and playing guitar (which he does in real life).
Anyway, in this dream I was trying to sleep and upset that they were playing so loud in the living room.
So in the dream, I went to sleep and began to dream.
In this dream-within-a-dream, the guys were there, but we were outside in a Camelot-like place. There was a castle, the grass was simply verdant and lush and the sky was a bright blue. It was sunny but not hot. It was PERFECT.
There were people all around, wearing long robes of all different colors and they were singing. I was watching, very passive in this dream.
My husband’s friend was wearing a crown of roses.
My son was still all in black.
My husband was there but I just barely noticed him.
Another family member was walking around.
And the singing was led by Martin Short, of all people.
So at first I thought I just shouldn’t eat MnM’s before bed. But it struck me later…these characters, they are representative of tarot cards. There could be a meaning here.
The masses in the robes, they are the tarot cards that are not pulled.
Martin Short–that’s easy, he is the Fool.
My husband’s friend with the crown of roses–he is death.
My son all in black–I thought he was death too. But it feels more like the Tower on meditation.
The fact I didn’t notice my husband…he is not a part of this reading then. Its for me alone.
The family member walking around…I feel that is Wheel of fortune because he was completely unencumbered in this dream, and in real life, there are some issues.
Wheel of Fortune.
Its no lie that I’ve been asking my guides for messages, meanings, and to help iron out some wrinkles in my mind and heart.
The message as I see it:
Pay attention, look and watch where things are going. Big changes ahead if you are not careful they will take you by surprise. Cleansing, losing of some, gaining of others. Element of danger and loss but its all meant to be, fated, destined whatever.
Not the most positive of readings but my boys don’t lie.
Stay tuned, I guess.

Published in: on July 3, 2008 at 12:24 pm  Leave a Comment  
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