Journal: On Love


Each time anyone comes into contact with us,
they must become different and better people
because of having met us.
We must radiate God’s love.
We must know that we have been created for greater things,
not just to be a number in the world,
not just to go for diplomas and degrees,
this work and that work.
We have been created in order to love and to be loved.
Love does not measure. . . it just gives.
Mother Teresa
This is a beautiful quote. It says so much about what to strive for as we bump along our journey. So many people strive for success, be it financial or other, when in reality, all we need to do is just love. Plain and simple. Spirit is composed of energy and energy is supported by love. Whether you believe in God, Goddess, Higher Power…whatever name for it. That energy and pure spirit is just love and a piece of it resides in each of us.
If something isn’t working…if the love just isn’t happening and it is causing great sorrow or pain, then move away from it because it is counterproductive to what you need to do. You should not live thru great sadness or suffering just because you think that the pain brings you to greater insight. It doesn’t. We are not meant to feel emotional pain all the time. We are meant to revel in the joy and love that is given to us in such abundance. We do not need to self-flaggellate in order to find God or to find spiritual strength and being. We do not need to stay in a place that hurts us or others because of the what if or the maybe….Life is to be lived and life is to love. That’s it. This is not to say that we walk away from others that need us because we are unhappy and put ourselves first. But that we open our hearts and allow love—shiney and clear and bright as the sun–to flow. It is there. Remember that when you speak a heated word, or withhold a kind one. You need to be one with the energy that is within us all and that energy is first and foremost love. Its the kind word, the unsolicited compliment, the willingness to learn and grow, the ability to see beyond the physical into the realm of what makes each and every one of us unique yet completely the same. Find within you the understanding that we are all bouncing along the same frequency, it’s a matter of tuning in to see the similarities in each other. We all want to find happiness. We all want to cherish and be cherished. We all desire the closeness and companionship found in a great friendship or a great romance. Don’t deny it to yourself or others. Live and love in the moment. That stranger that you smile at might just become your best friend. That person on the corner holding the will work for food sign might be your father or brother. That person who is crying at night when no one is looking might be you someday. Love yourself, love your neighbor. Love your life. THat is the simple prescription. Be kind to things smaller than yourself. Don’t be afraid to let go of pain, because it is simply not part of the equation.

Journal: Reflection on seeking the divine spark

If God/Goddess is in everyone, and we are all a part of the same cosmic recipe, why don’t people treat each other accordingly? I think its crucial to find the divine in everyone, no matter how hidden that spark might be.

I think that I am doing my best to see the divine in everyone, and that is not always easy. In my line of work I see people at their worst. I have had drug addicts crying and begging me for pills, I have had people swear at me and threaten me. I have also held people’s heads while they vomit, and held grown men as they sob over the death of a loved one. I’ve gone home with tears still drying on the shoulders of my scrubs. I’ve helped deliver a few babies, and I’ve cared for people as they lay dying, and after.

I want to be the person who finds the divine in everyone.

I spend a lot of time looking within myself, hoping that if I can see that spark in myself, perhaps I can see it in others as well.

I make jokes about ‘compassion fatigue’ but its not always a joke.

Its hard to search and look for the beauty all the time. I can only hope it will get easier the longer I do it.

Published in: on December 19, 2008 at 9:59 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Divination: So you want to find love?

There are many forms of divination, as noted here.

But if you are looking for love, whether to find the identity of your as-yet hidden true love, or to discover your current love’s true feelings…well, read on!

Paper Divination for love:

Write the name of three possible lovers on a three pieces of paper. Fold each paper twice and place them under your pillow at night. Without looking, immediately remove one slip of paper but don’t read it. When you wake up in the morning, remove another piece of paper. The remaining paper carries the name of your best choice of the three.


Apple Divination for love:

Cut an apple in half and count the seeds. An even number shows that you have a high chance of marriage. An odd number shows you do not. Beware because if a seed has been cut in half, your relationship might have some rocky areas.


At dusk, light a candle in front of a mirror. Brush your hair and eat an apple while looking in the mirror. Your lover’s face will appear behind you in the mirror.


Peel an apple so that the peeling is in one whole piece. Throw this over your shoulder. The peel will form the letter of the first name of your true love’s name.


Cut an apple in half. Eat the first half before midnight and the second half just as the clock turns to midnight. You will dream of your lover that night.


Moon Divination for love:

On the night of the new moon, go outside and point a dull-bladed silver knife at the moon. Say:

       New moon, true morrow, be true now to me

       That I ere the morrow my true love may see.

Place the knife under your pillow when you go to sleep and you will dream of your lover.


Pin Divination for Love:

Drop a pin into water. If it floats, you are loved.