Moon phases/correspondences

This info was found HERE


Rises at dawn, sets at sunset; for full use of these energies, stick to between this time period.
Moon is exact from the new moon until 3 1/2 days after.
Workings: beauty, health, self-improvement, farms/gardens, job hunting, love/romance, networking, and creative ventures
Purpose: Beginnings
Pagan Holiday: Winter Solstice
Goddess Name: Rosemerta’s Moon
Goddess Energy: Goddesses of growth
Offering: Milk and Honey
Theme: Abundance
Rune: Fehu for abundance, Kenaz for openings, Gebo for love
Tarot Trump: the Fool


Rises at mid-morning, sets after sunset; best magickal effects between these times.
Moon is 3 1/2 to 7 days after new moon.
Purpose: the movement of the thing
Pagan Holiday: Imbolc
Goddess Name: Brigid’s Moon
Goddess Energy: water goddesses
Offering: Candles
Theme: Manifestation
Rune: Berkana for beginnings, Inguz for focus
Tarot Trump: The Magician


Moon rises at noon, sets at midnight; best effects between these times
Moon is 7-10 1/2 days after new moon
Workings: courage, elemental magick, friends, luck, and motivation.
Purpose: The shape of the thing
Pagan Holiday: Spring Equinox
Goddess Name: Persephone’s Moon
Goddess Energy: air goddesses
Offering: Feathers
Theme: Luck
Runes: Elhaz for luck, Jera for improvement, Uruz for strength
Tarot card: Strength or the Star


Moon rises in mid-afternoon, sets around 3 am; best effects between these times
Moon is 10 1/2 -14 days after new moon
Workings: courage, patience, peace, and harmony
Purpose: details
Pagan Holiday: Beltane
Goddess Name: Nuit’s Moon
Goddess Energy: star goddesses
Offering: Ribbons
Theme: Perfection
Runes: Ansuz for eloquence, Wunjo for success, Daguz for enlightenment


Moon rises at sunset, sets at dawn; best effects between these times
Moon is 14-17 1/2 days after the new moon
Workings: artistic endeavors, beauty, health, fitness, change, decisions, children, competition, dreams, families, knowledge, legal undertakings, love, romance, money, motivation, protection, psychic power, self-improvement.
Purpose: completion of a project
Pagan Holiday: Summer Solstice
Goddess Name: Sekhmet’s Moon
Goddess Energy: fire goddesses
Offering: flowers
Theme: Power
Rune: Sowilo
Tarot Card: the Sun


Moon rising at mid-evening, sets at mid-morning; best effects between these times
Moon is 3 1/2-7 days after the full moon.
Workings: addictions, decisions, divorce, emotions, stress, protection
Purpose: initial destruction
Pagan Holiday: Lammas
Goddess Name: Hecate’s Moon
Goddess Energy: earth goddesses
Offering: grain or rice
Theme: reassessment
Rune: Thurisaz for destruction and defense, Elhaz for protection,
Tarot Trump: The Tower for destruction


Moon rises at midnight and sets at noon; best effects between these times
Moon is 7-10 1/2 days after the full moon.
Workings: Addictions, divorce, endings, health and healing (banishing), stress, protection, and ancestors.
Purpose: Absolute destruction
Pagan Holiday: Fall Equinox
Goddess Name: The Morrigan’s Moon
Goddess Energy: harvest goddesses
Offering: Incense
Theme: Banishing
Rune: hagalaz, kenaz for banishing, Naudhiz for turning, Isa for binding
Tarot Trump: Judgement


Moon rises at 3 am and sets at mid-afternoon, best effects between these times
Moon is 10 1/2-14 days after the full moon
Workings: addictions, change, divorce, enemies, justice, obstacles, quarrels, removal, separation, stopping stalkers and theft.
Purpose: Rest
Pagan Holiday: Samhain
Goddess Name: Kali’s Moon
Goddess Energy: Dark goddesses
Offering: honesty
Theme: Justice
Runes: Tiwaz for justice, Kenaz for banishing
Tarot Trump: Justice

Full Moon: Names


Full Moon Names




English Names       


Native American Names         


Other Names Used                   


January  Old Moon                          Wolf Moon                         Moon After Yule, Ice Moon   

February  Wolf Moon                       Snow Moon                        Hunger Moon, Storm Moon    


March  Lenten Moon                  Worm Moon Crow Moon  Crust Moon, Sugar Moon, Sap Moon, Chaste Moon

April  Egg Moon/Pink Moon          Sprouting Grass Moon         Fish Moon, Seed Moon, Waking Moon

May  Milk Moon/Flower Moon       Corn Planting Moon,          Corn Moon, Hare’s Moon

June  Flower Moon                       Strawberry Moon          Honey Moon, Rose Moon, Hot Moon, Planting Moon

July       Hay Moon                         Buck Moon            Thunder Moon, Mead Moon

August  Grain Moon                Sturgeon Moon        Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, Lightning Moon, Dog Moon

September    Fruit Moon            Harvest Moon                        Corn Moon, Barley Moon

October  Harvest Moon             Hunter’s Moon                   Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon

November  Hunter’s Moon          Beaver Moon                           Frost Moon, Snow Moon

December   Oak Moon               Cold Moon                      Frost Moon, Long Night’s Moon, Moon Before Yule



Published in: on August 16, 2008 at 10:12 pm  Leave a Comment  
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So the moon is heading towards full again, and its just about time to make my next batch of moon water. I am going to use citronella, as I dreamed previously.
From what I’ve found on the net, citronella promotes friendship and love. Other sources say that its protective, and keeps away unwanted guests. I am looking forward to trying it, and seeing what exactly happens.

I am thinking to make another batch of lavender water as well, and this time keep it in the fridge.

I bought some essential oils, and have great plans for combining them with carrier oils in different combinations to make various potions. Ooh that sounds witchy lol. But I can see a lot of potential with that and it fits my idea of spells—combining elements to make something which hleps the user focus on the ultimate goal. So the oils will be taking a moon bath as well.

I can only wonder what my neighbors think of all these different bowls of things out on my front step all night long. Oh well. They are welcome to ask.

That’s where it stands right now. I can’t wait for the next full moon so I can get started!

Published in: on July 13, 2008 at 7:01 am  Leave a Comment  
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